48 Hour Film Project - Tokyo

Ryota  Mori
Ryota Mori
City Producer

Announcing the Winners!

After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.

The Best Film of 2022 goes to テラスサイド× Paradigm Shift! Their film ‘’POSTMAN’’ will go on to represent Tokyo against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2023!

Mitsuru or Mika Tojo, Host or Hostess (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host_and_hostess_clubs)
東城 充 or 美佳(とうじょう みつる or みか)/ ホスト or ホステス
I knew I had forgotten something.
a flashlight
1st Place: Best Film of 2022
POSTMAN by テラスサイド× Paradigm Shift
2nd Place: Best Film of 2022
はじめて by 空
3rd Place: Best Film of 2022
Filmposter for COMPLICE
Audience Favorite Group A:
還り道 by Miracle13
Audience Favorite Group B:
1989年6月27日 by TEAM KCP
Audience Favorite Group C:
POSTMAN by テラスサイド× Paradigm Shift