48 Hour Film Horror Project - Cleveland

Dustin Lee
Dustin Lee
City Co-Producer
Jennifer Feierabend
Jennifer Feierabend
City Producer

Announcing the Winners!

After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.

The Best Film of 2017 goes to Cosmic Octopus! Their film ‘’Grassman’’ will go on to represent Cleveland against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2018!

Michael or Michelle Bogdan, world traveller
Whatever you do… don’t fall asleep.
a basketball
1st Place: Best Film of 2017
Grassman by Cosmic Octopus
2nd Place: Best Film of 2017
The Cure by eMpTy-Light-Pack/Cinevid
3rd Place: Best Film of 2017
Cleave by Dark Horses Productions
Audience Favorite Group A:
Son of A Witch by Downpour Creative
Audience Favorite Group B:
Cleave by Dark Horses Productions
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Angry Polaks Production

Downpour Creative


Gone Fishin' Productions

Green Screen Avengers


No Ticket Productions

Shadow Monsters

The Brutal Flowers

Three Scrooges

Z zero Films

B.A.D. Films

Cold Robot Studios

Cosmic Octopus

Dark Horses Productions

Fat Lucy Films

Focal Point Pictures

Frolicking Films

le Black Square Productions

Muhlbach Cinema

Suffering Spinach

White Midnight
